Sept. 7 - Oct. 19 2023

A free, weekly, live, Amateur Radio Technician Class Licensing course on Zoom, sponsored by the National Electronics Museum
The three-hour sessions start at 6:30 PM Eastern Time.
To sign up, email

February 23, 2007

FCC eliminated the Morse code requirement for amateur operator licenses.

July 21, 2014

FCC revised the Amateur Service Part 97 rules to grant partial written examination element credit to holders of expired General, Advanced and Extra licenses.

October 2020

FCC says that new license applicants must create an FCC user account and register their social security number in the FCC Commission Registration System (CORES) before attending exam sessions. Registrants will be assigned a Federal Registration Number (FRN) which will be used in all license transactions with the FCC.

FCC also advised that some candidate information about them will be made publicly available on the FCC's website, including name, mailing address, and felony conviction status. An alternative address, such as a PO Box or work address, is acceptable.


FCC began requiring an email address on all applications.

Washington Area Amateur Radio Club
Testing Contact: Mark Lukins, ABØDX
802 N 2nd Ave
Washington, IA 52353-2404
Phone: (319) 855-4007

Area Testing Dates (click the date to register)

only Extra Class VE's can administer tests for all classes,
Advanced Class VE's can administer tests for Technician and General licenses,
General Class VE's can administer only tests for Technician licenses,
and Technician Class VE's can only help with general administration of the session.

Washington Area Amateur Radio Club
Washington, Iowa
July 27

Click date
to register
Check in begins, 9:30 AM
Exams begin, 10:00 AM
Washington Public Library
115 W Washington (South side of square)

The Washington Area Amateur Radio Club conducts exams under the ARRL VEC. All exam elements are administered. Walk-in candidates welcomed. Exam requirements

2024 Southeast Iowa Hamfest
October 6
Click date
to register
VE's assemble, 9:00 AM
Exams begin, 9:30 AM
Louisa County Fairgrounds
101 Fairground Rd
Columbus Junction, Iowa 52738
Phone (319) 212-1898
E-mail Bruce Dagel, WBØGAG

The Southeast Iowa Hamfest conducts exams under the ARRL VEC. All exam elements are administered. Walk-in candidates welcomed, pre-registration is requested. Exam requirements

Muscatine County ARES
Muscatine, Iowa
Musser Public Library
August 11

Click date
to register
Sign in begins, 1:30 PM
Exams begin, 2:00 PM
Musser Public Library
Meeting room 104
408 E. 2nd St.
Muscatine IA
Phone (319) 212-1898
E-mail Bruce Dagel, WBØGAG

Muscatine County ARES conducts exams under the ARRL VEC. All exam elements are administered. Walk-in candidates welcomed, pre-registration is requested. Exam requirements

Requirements for all ARRL VEC exam sessions:

  • Applicant must be registered with the FCC CORES and use their FRN.
    FCC CORES User Account and Registration
  • NCVEC Form 605 must be completed by the candidate and will be provided at the site.
    It may also be downloaded from the ARRL VEC.
  • FCC requires an email address on all applications.
  • Examinees must present photo ID or two other forms of ID.
  • If licensed, bring original and photocopy of current FCC license and / or CSCEs. The FCC Universal Licensing System has provisions for printing a copy of your license from your computer. The ARRL VEC has affirmed that this copy is sufficient for VE use.
  • Grandfather credit is available for some current or previously licensed individuals. Complete details can be found at: ARRL VEC's Grandfather Credit page.
  • ARRL VEC exam fee is $15.00.

Practice exams for both US and Canadian ham licences:

Copasetic Flow by KDØFNR

Online theory and licensing classes:

Electronics classes (and more) Online at the Wisconsin Online Resource Center

Ham Radio Podclasses

ARRL Online Course Catalog

W4EEY video Amateur Radio licensing classes and more.
Make sure to verify that the correct question pool is covered for your license class!

Online Question Pools Answered

I would like to help the Washington Area Amateur Radio Club. I am a fellow ham and I want to help future hams to get their licenses and current hams to upgrade their existing licenses by creating free content online. Which is why I started the YouTube channel HamRadioTesting
At this time, I have three main course offerings on YouTube, one for each ham exam.
  • The Tech Exam Playlist (07-01-2018 to 06-30-2022 Question Pool) Click Here
  • The General Exam Playlist (07-01-2019 to 06-30-2023 Question Pool) Click Here
  • The Amateur Extra Exam Playlist (07-01-2020 to 06-30-2024 Question Pool) Click Here
In case you were wondering, yes, that is the material for the new question pool for the Amateur Extra Test that comes out in July. The book isn’t even out yet. That didn’t stop me from getting this content out to you, for free.

So, we come to our Jerry Maguire moment where I ask you to “Help me, help you”. In order for me to help you, I am asking you to check out my content, share it and please feel free to reach out to me with suggestions for improvement or future content.

Together we will make Amateur Radio the most popular and exciting hobby/sport in the world.

Ham Radio Testing