The Washington Area Amateur Radio Club is committed to providing community and emergency communications service to Washington County residents. Our club represents years of technical and emergency communications expertise.

Club Officers for 2024
President ABØDX Mark Lukins
  Vice President NØJDB John Bush
Secretary KEØJVU Wayne Gould  
Treasurer WØHAF Michael Hafner

Meeting moving
Extracted from the announcement at the ARRL:
Effective April 19, 2022, a $35 fee will apply to applications for a new Amateur Radio license, modification (upgrade and sequential call sign change), renewal, and vanity call signs.

More details on the licensing page.

VECs and Volunteer Examiner (VE) teams will not collect the $35 fee at license exam sessions.

Custom WAARC and WC ARES logo apparel can be requested.
Fill out this form and return it to ABØDX and he will place it in the queue to be ordered.
The apparel includes one logo. Another can be added for an additional cost. Your name and call can be added to the club logo at no additional cost or can be a separate logo. For custom logos, consult with ABØDX.
Look up the style, size and color you want at
WAARC logo   WC ARES logo   ARRL VE patch   ARRL VE patch   WAARC logo with call and name

Propagation data

We gratefully thank the Washington County Riverboat Foundation for another generous grant enabling upgrading our emergency communication trailer to benefit Washington County residents.
It is being put to good use!